Photos: Find your Feet Films, Shaun Collins, Photos4Sale

A Backyard Ultra is a type of ultramarathon where participants run laps of a set course of 6.706 metres (4.167 miles) and they must finish each loop in less than an hour. The race restarts each hour with all those that finished the previous lap on time.  The race is over when only one runner remains to complete a lap. This runner is marked as the winner and only finisher, with all other runners receiving a DNF (Did Not Finish). The strange distance is because the distance for 24 laps is equal to 100 miles.

This awesome film from Find Your Feet Films gives a great narration of what the backyard ultra format is all about, while following the 2023 Riverhead ReLaps Backyard Ultra. Who better to narrate such a film than, Backyard Ultra Founder, Lazarus Lake, who attended the event. Laz shares his thoughts on what it takes to compete and succeed in the Backyard.


Follow our NZ Backyard Ultra Facebook Page to remain up to date on all the news –


Official Backyard Ultras of New Zealand


There are currently 9 official Backyard Ultras in NZ

The affiliated NZ Backyard Ultra events which follow all the Backyard Ultra rules and count towards Backyard Ultra New Zealand records and qualification for Team or Individual World Champs are:


Current New Zealand Records


  • NZ Venue record – Anthony Kerr-Taylor with 52 loops at the KINGS Backyard Ultra on June 2024.

  • NZ Worldwide Backyard Record – Sam Harvey with 101 loops at the Aussie Masters Backyard Ultra at Dead Cow Gully in Australia on 21 June 2023.


  • NZ Venue record – Julia Chamberlain with 40 loops at the Krayzie Midwinter Backyard Ultra July 2024.

  • NZ Worldwide Record – Katie Wright with 50 loops at Bigs Backyard Ultra, Tennessee, USA – October 2019.



International Backyard Competition

The International Backyard Ultra website is [here]

Internationally the record is 108 loops (724km) set by Harvey Lewis from USA at the Backyard Ultra – World Championship October 2023

Backyard Ultra World Team Championships

There are currently 3 NZ Backyard ultras that are official silver ticket events (Pigs, ReLaps and Krayzies) and this means that the winners of each of these events automatically get selected in the NZ World Team Backyard Champs which are held every second year (the next one is on October 2024). The rest of the 15 person team is made up from the at-large list which is the highest number of loops run in any official backyard ultra between August 16, 2022 and ends August 15, 2024 .

You can see the top 15 people that would make the NZ team for 2024 here by filtering for the country NZ. This is kept up to date based on results from each qualifying backyard ultra. The current 15 person team looks like this:

Backyard Ultra World Individual Championships

The World Individual Backyard Champs is held in Tennessee (USA) every second year (next in 2023) and this is made up of the winner of each of the nations in the World Team Backyard Champs. In addition to those champions, the remaining spots are selected from the At-Large list… the top performances of the previous 2 year qualifying period (August 16, 2021 to August 15, 2023).


Results from the 2022 World Team Backyard Champs



You can search for yours or someone elses results using the search function or you can sort a particular event by clicking on the column header

Updated 4 June 2024 post the KINGS Backyard

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